In the passage these two events are "blended" into one picture, with no apparent time gap. The idea is that a passage can be speaking of two different events separated by a long period of time. (The so-called "Law of Double Reference") The Day of the Lord was partially fulfilled in Israel's (more accurately Judah's) Babylonian captivity but awaits complete fulfillment when the Lord pours out His final wrath upon all of mankind (including Israel) who continue to reject His offer of salvation by grace through faith in the Messiah (we read about this fulfillment most clearly in the Revelation of Jesus Christ).ģ) A single prophecy may have a significant GAP in time between as to when different aspects are fulfilled. Without going into a lengthy discussion, the principle of near/partial and distant/complete fulfillment is seen in God's teaching on the Day of the Lord, a phrase mentioned at least 19 times in the OT and 4 times in the NT and from the context is clearly not a literal 24 hour day. See original resource for excellent summary of the 70 weeks of Daniel - A Ready Defense: The Best of Josh McDowell)ĭ) The Messiah's second coming (see Messianic Prophecies Table comparing Rapture versus Second Coming)Ģ) A single prophecy may have more than one fulfillmentĬomplete and final fulfillment in the distant future Millennium 3 - How OT describes Millennial Messianic Ageġ) When an OT prophet spoke, it generally is in reference to one of four time periods: ( Click notes)ī) Israel's captivity in Babylon or their restoration to the land of Israel after Babylonian exileĬ) The Messiah's first coming (see Messianic Prophecies) (See also A Ready Defense-Old Testament Prophecy Fulfilled in History.Millennium 2 - Context & events leading up to Millennium.Millennium 1 - Early Church drift from literal interpretation of Rev 20.John Walvoord: Daniel: The key to Prophetic Revelation (online).Kay Arthur on Daniel 9:24-27 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.Timeline of Jewish and Gentile History According to Daniel - Pdf Chart.

Daniel's Seventieth Week Charted Parallel with other Daniel prophecies.Summary Chart of Daniel's Seventieth Week.